Values or Priorities?
Years ago, I was a different person. I was so overly stressed that I would literally scratch myself till I bled. What I didn't know was that it was related to stress. Luckily for me, the Stress Management class was a requirement for me to take in order to graduate... and it changed my life. Mike, the casual professor who lets you call him by his first name, started out the class talking about the physiology of stress and how we can manage our time better to reduce our stress. But the lesson that really hit home for me was on values and priorities. So instead of telling you all about the lesson, I'm going to walk you through it so you can use it yourself! Step 1: Write down 30 of your values, in no particular order. Step 2: Write down the things you prioritize, in order. By this I mean, what do you spend the most time on? Do you spend most of your week at work? That should be the top of the list. Work your way down so that the bottom of the list reflects what you spend...