It is what it is
Accepting situations as they are is always a difficult task. It's easy enough for me to say "don't get upset about the things you can't change" but it's much more difficult to actually live life with that mentality. For example, sitting in traffic is often frustrating and stressful, but what are you going to do about it? You can't move all the cars out of your way. You could have left earlier, but now it's too late, you're sitting in traffic, so why be upset? All this stress does is hurt you, so there's really no point in it. But, honestly, I could tell you this till I'm blue in the face and chances are, you won't just change your whole perspective by tomorrow. In fact, chances are high that you probably don't know how to actually keep from getting upset or frustrated at situations you can do nothing about. A lot of the time, people just assume that telling yourself to calm down is actually going to work. We think that being cal...